
Best investment in Asia 2019

China is now the world's second largest economy (and the largest if measured in PPP terms). China's economic miracle is the greatest development experiment in human history. “The 19th century may have belonged to England and the 20 century to the United States, but the 21st century belongs to China”, says American investor Jim Rogers.




韩国Der Meiren 化妆袋式化妆品引人瞩目


以化妆袋的形态代替化妆品容器,节约成本的“化妆袋式化妆品”备受瞩目。韩国JWAYINT公司的化妆袋式化妆品品牌韩国Der Meiren便是其主人公。韩国Der Meiren最大的特点在于其摆脱了现有化妆品的包装,将30克商品装入化妆袋形态容器内,推向市场。



新闻,是指报纸、电台、电视台经常使用的记录社会、传播信息、反映时代的一种文体。它的种类很多,这里只介绍使用频率最高的消息和通讯。 消息,也叫新闻。新闻这一概念有狭义和广义之分。狭义的单指消息;广义的指消息、通讯、报告文学、特写、评论等等。消息是用概括的叙述方式,比较简明扼要的文字,迅速及时地报道国内外新近发生的、有价值的、群众最关心的事实。

Wave Robo Advisor: an AI Investment Software for Lazybones

Wave Robo Advisor by Davinci Technology, is a new star in AI investment field. After nearly three years of research and more than a year of market test, Wave Robo Advisor has launched its product, Robo Advisor Family, which integrates the function of MT5, starts the craze of social investment, and breaks through the barriers between lazybones and investment experts.

Hytera Launches P-LTE MCS Solution at MWC Barcelona 2019

(Barcelona, Spain – February 25, 2019) Hytera Communications Corporation Limited (Hytera), a leading global provider of innovative Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) communications solutions, is unveiling today its P-LTE Mission Critical Services (MCS) solution at the Mobile World Conference 2019 (MWC 2019) held in Barcelona, Spain.






探索新远洋——中国人的“行者”计划 30000公里、20天、北美洲、太平洋、墨西哥索科洛群岛、坎昆洞穴,船宿、鲸鱼、海豹、魔鬼鱼、海豚、锤头鲨、风浪、世界最大洞穴系统、硫化氢层、故事在发生之前都是未知的。 2019年初,来自天南地北的8个中国人,他们因“行者”纪录片拍摄计划而相聚在大洋彼岸,为探索而出发,为呈现绝密的景观而背上百斤设备,拉开了“墨西哥行动”的序幕。

CYCJET Pharmacy traceability inkjet printing system

Abstract: Medicine is related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and life and health must be regulated by the most stringent standards. Therefore, it is also reasonable for the enterprise to be the main responsible party to be required to establish a drug information traceability system to ensure product safety. The traceability of medical products is essentially a collection of “one

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